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Philip Lubin: Breakthrough Starshot
Day 2 Ses 3 | Phil Lubin - Directed Energy & Power Projection for Rapid Deep Space and Interstellar
Philip Lubin: Breakthrough Discuss 2017
2-3 Dr. Philip Lubin - Directed Energy Propulsion & Power Beaming: Mature Technology
Philip Lubin: A space-based array for planetary defense
Yuri Milner: Breakthrough Starshot
3 The Starshot Propulsion System
Philip Lubin: Enabling the First Interstellar Missions with Integrated Photonics and Electronics
Starshot From Science to Spacecraft and Missions
Phil Lubin: Breakthrough Discuss 2016 – The SDI Program
Breakthrough Starshot Announcement Highlights I
19 Achieving Interstellar Capability